Obesity Prevention
Obesity poses many risks to your health. High blood pressure, type2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, arthritis and gall bladder disease are but a few of them.
Researchers have now found that obesity may even hinder the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine. Obesity leads to increased production of leptin and fat, and this can make antibody protection in obese people difficult as well as increasing levels of inflammation in your body.
Living a healthy lifestyle is the key to keeping obesity away. This includes being physically active, consuming a healthy and balanced diet (which means plenty fat and protein, fewer carbs and avoiding highly processed food like the plague! Focus on sleep (Around 8 hours of good sleep every night), minising your less stress and no smoking.

Avoid sugary, processed and packaged food
Crusading cardiologist Aseem Malhotra (who appeared on our podcast recently https://www.prolongevity.co.uk/blog/aseem-malhotras-21-day-immunity-plan?rq=Aseem) says: When purchasing food, take a look at the back of the pack. If there are more than five ingredients, some of which you’ve never heard of, its likely highly processed. Put it back on the shelf!
Eat more fruits (especially berries) and below-ground vegetables
The widest possible variety of fruits and vegetables should be an integral part of your daily diet. Doing so can provide you with beneficial antioxidants and fibre. Having sufficient fibre in your diet can help manage your calorie intake, reduce the risk of overeating and support your microbiome (the health giving community of bugs that live in your intestine!)
Get regular with exercise
Your routine should include exercise on a regular basis. This can be anything from walking the dog, to weight training in the gym if you like but at home using nothing but your own bodyweight can be equally effective. We encourage you to push yourself but take it slow at first, learn your limits, then push for more
Manage stress
Stress can affect your physical and mental health in multiple ways. Studies have found that stress can trigger brain response which changes eating patterns. It increases cravings for high-calorie foods as well.
For more tips and information on getting a great night’s sleep click https://www.prolongevity.co.uk/blog/sleep zzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!