I’m 56 years old and live in St Albans with my wife, Clare and I have 2 university-age children. I’m an IT professional by career and a musician by passion.
I’ve struggled with weight all my adult life and have been very good at losing weight at various points in my life but even better at putting it back on. I’ve always found that each, losing weight and “refuelling” seemed to have an on/off switch. Once on, each was like a juggernaut with me losing or piling on pounds with equal speed.
I have always been quite sporty and always seemed to be fat and fit when I was large and thin and very fit when not! However, around 15 years ago I found I had very high blood pressure. The “cure” was to change my diet, lose weight and get fit. It worked. But then I lost focus again and got fat. This cycle lasted for around the next 13 years until I found that losing weight didn’t stop my blood pressure from going down enough. I ended up on medication for that with various tests being done, which resulted in a very enthusiastic GP persuading me to go onto statins.
The blood pressure medication was fine, but I absolutely hated the statins which made me feel ill. I also just had a sense of going downhill. When I exercised, I was frequently getting a bad back and felt stiffer and out of breath much faster. In short, I was in sharper decline than I should have been.
Robert before & after the program

How Robert’s journey begun
My wife was also a little overweight for a few years. Never as bad as me but she was recommended a nutritionist who helped change her diet and lost weight over a long period. The nutritionist only worked with women so I couldn’t copy her (even had I wanted to). My wife spotted Prolongevity and recommended it to me. I will admit that I took this recommendation as nagging, knowing deep down it was because she wanted me to change for the better. Any decision to do something like this has to be from within so it took some time for me to process and investigate ProLongevity. It also took some courage. That may seem a bit silly, but we’re all worried about what people think of us.
After some soul-searching, I investigated Prolongevity more and watched some of the videos. Eventually, I decided “What have I got to lose” and arranged an initial session with Graham. The switch flicked again!
How was the Programme?
I have lost 4.5 stone in weight – 5’ off my waist, going from XL shirts to Medium and looking a lot younger!
I have come off all my medication – I dropped the statins immediately on Graham’s advice and monitored my blood pressure over time until it was normal. Graham also introduced me to Michael Bazlington and had extensive blood tests to check my overall health with some corrective measures to help me.
The weight literally fell off me and I was eating well throughout. I’ve kept it off for over 8 months which is longer than any fitness regime or diet I’ve been on before.
So why did it work (or has worked so far) for me? I put it down to 2 key things. Firstly, I have had the science explained to me by Graham and by the links he’s sent me to articles and videos. I’ve always previously got to a point where I just gave in to my cravings and fell off the waggon. With Graham’s coaching, I’ve been able to understand why I want to eat carbs and certainly believe I am carb addicted. Understanding is one thing and acting is another. The regular sessions with Graham have kept me honest. I know I’m going to be accountable for what’s gone on in the last month. OK – he can’t do anything to me if I have fallen off, but a sense of pride and a fear of failure have certainly contributed to my staying on the programme.
How were the consultations?
Graham can be quite direct but never unkind, at the start he made it clear I needed to cut my carbs right down to really kick start the process. It was spectacularly successful for me.
I think I’ve been lucky in that I started the programme at a really good time in my life – when I was on a downward spiral but, because where my metabolism was still in decent shape. So all the positives for my health came quite easily. I think the speed of the weight loss surprised even Graham!
How are you feeling after the programme?
I am feeling great. I’ve found a good way to live my life where I am not missing out on things but am maintaining the new regime – weight, blood pressure, etc. I always feel that I might falter along the way, so I am definitely signing up for the maintenance programme! I am incredibly grateful to Graham. He’s changed my life hugely for the better and I’m hoping that I’ll be able to keep healthy for a long time in the future.